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Library Renovation Minutes 05/07/2008
MAY 7, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 6:35PM by Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room in Town Hall Building 1.  Members present:  Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Barbara Leonard, Diane Carney, Scott Boos, Tad Kuziak, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Assistant to the Town Manager Blythe Robinson, and Architects Peter Wells and Bruce Tuthill.  Members absent: Janet Stokesbury and Secretary David Goldsholl. Members from the audience included Christine and Michael Munoz, neighbors from Burnham Road.  

Tad Kuziak suggested correcting a grammatical error in section V., adding the word "be" before "brought up from the basement location."  Diane Hornaday motioned, seconded, all agreed to accept the minutes with the correction.


Tad Kuziak spoke of his recent visits to the Chicago Library, the Hartford Library, and the Simsbury Library.  He was impressed with use of "white noise" at the Chicago location.  The Hartford Library electronically projected historical figures in the center stairway.  He liked Simsbury's use of light.  He found some helpful information about Simsbury's renovation: costs to stay in the Library during the project would have cost $350,000.00 extra, $1.5 million was raised through outside funding, a grant from the Hartford Foundation provided them a computer/tech room which features re-employment training and tooling materials.  Diane Carney also visited the Simsbury Library, but felt it was too open and not very inviting, lacking a "small town feeling."  Barbara Leonard spoke of the RFID process which electronically checks and sorts books and materials for re-stocking. Tad raised the issue of the need to plan and anticipate for future needs.  

Peter Wells brought updated plans which included bringing tech services up from the basement to the first floor, increasing the courtyard's size, and moving the drive-up book drop closer to the front of the building. The footprint square footage is now 24,800 sf. and the total percentage of impervious surfaces for the entire site is 41.8%.  On the first floor the Community Room would push out front a little adding a corridor for possible "art gallery" space and add space in the back of the room for storage and A/V, still accessible outside of the main Library.  The vestibule would provide space for electronic sign boards.  The circulation desk position would provide for all around sight.  A second floor dormer would provide a significant amount of light for the first floor.  A full kitchen would be adjacent to the Community Room.  The courtyard could be accessed from the reference area and Community Room.  Peter is still working on the designs and did not bring one for the basement.  Virginia expressed concerns for deliveries and fire access which Peter is working on with the positioning of the drive-up book drop.  Bruce Tuthill said the architects are concentrating on the footprint for the referendum.  The plan would take another year to refine with changes committee members or architects will make when the referendum is approved. The parking spaces total 112 right now and can change with handicap or delivery issues.  

Tad Kuziak motioned, Diane Carney seconded, and all agreed to accept the Tuthill and Wells, LLC invoice as presented which represents 10% of the total fee to be subsequently submitted.  The Eagle Environmental, Inc. proposal to proceed with the initial building materials inspection was accepted by a motion made by Diane Carney, seconded by Barbara Leonard, and agreed to by all.  Bruce Tuthill suggested putting some money aside in the construction budget in case problems arose with their report.  Scott Boos suggested remediation on the initial visit if needed; Blythe reminded that costs over a certain amount would need to go out to bid and, at this point, Eagle is only providing an initial report.  

Virginia and Blythe told of their meeting with Amodio Moving.  Amodio estimates $82,000.00 for the move in and out with a monthly $1,000.00 storage fee.  Peter said that Amodio's estimate does not include moving shelves; that this would be additional.  Virginia said Simsbury's move cost almost $100,000.00, and Bruce added that Guilford's cost was $30,000.00 for one way.  Blythe was very happy with Amodio's handling of the Building 5 and 6 move for the Town.  

Time and place for the next meetings were discussed, suggesting a meeting in the morning instead of the evening.  The time and location of the next two meetings, May 21st and June 4th are still to be determined.  Neighbors may be invited to the June 4th regular meeting, earlier, or to a separate meeting.  This is still to be determined.

Virginia would like to have a set of plans to present at the next Library Board meeting in a few weeks.  Blythe would like to have the landscape architect's plan for the Planning and Zoning meeting in June.  She needs information with which to seek proposals for soil borings from the architect.  Diane Hornaday reminded Peter to have close plans and figures before presentation is made to the public.  

Virginia Vocelli also brought an estimated square footage needed for a fully functioning Library in a temporary location.  The total estimate is 9,825 sf.  Simsbury's circulation was 87% using 9-10,000 sf. offsite.  Virginia presented volunteer appreciation mugs to everyone to thank them for their help with the project as part of the Library's celebration of National Library Week.  

Barbara Leonard motioned, Tad Kuziak seconded, all agreed to adjourn at 8:15PM.

Recorded by:                                                    
                                                                Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person

                                                                David Goldsholl, Secretary